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Entry date: 7-2-2024 - Bonus Birthday Blog - Letters to My Friends

Dear Friends,

I was remiss in not wishing my stepmom, Lori, a happy birthday today. This time of year rolls around every year and every year I say to myself that I need to be better at wishing Lori a happy birthday and every year, it sneaks up on me.

If I have learned anything in this lifetime about what it means to be a step-parent or what it means to grow and forgive and just be a better person, I don't have to look any farther than the relationship Lori and I have. It means a lot to me.

Being a stepparent is a hard thing. I think I have touched on this from time to time, but it is really difficult in so many ways. As a teenager, I thought I could empathize a little with this, but as an adult, I definitely can. If I could go back in my time machine and tell teenage Tom something, it would be to listen a lot more and understand that it's not easy to understand how to build the stepparent relationship at all.

For one thing, mistakes are bound to be made. I know this now, but I had an expectation that Lori should be perfect from day one. I had no idea, though, what I wanted or expected from her because I had some pretty...let's say.... 'interesting' experience with what a mother should and should not be.

The thing about mistakes, though, is that you have allow people to learn and grow from them. That's where forgiveness and love come in. I'm so thankful that over the last forty years, we've been able to sow these wonderful seeds and enjoy a pretty beautiful garden now.

Happy birthday, Lori. I love you.

AI birthday card..

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